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Homeschool - Kristine Day
Homeschool Reading

Homeschool Reading

When I was a young mother, a wise more experienced friend, Lorraine Rife, whom we met in Okinawa, told me how she read the Book of Mormon with her small children.  She sat down with her children every day. She put the youngest child on her lap and read one word...
Our Sheep

Our Sheep

We raised sheep for just that purpose. One fall I purchased three Shetland sheep from the petting zoo at the fair, a silver-backed whether, black ewe, and a red ram with fully curled horns. The next spring, Sunday, Easter morning, right before we left for church,...


Play-dough, you love it, you hate it or you don’t really care either way. It certainly has its uses, while making a watershed diorama for instance, or a costal/continental slope, a deep ocean relief map, for lack of a shorter description. Carl, Alyson and I, shaped...